
New trustees are normally recommended by the current trustee or members of the Psychiatry Research Trust. Their appointment is ratified by the current trustees after having had a preliminary meeting with the Trust Director.

The Trustees have agreed that the meetings will be bi-annual. In addition, there are subgroups which include specialist co-opted and which meet more frequently to assess grant applications, interview individual grant applicants and review (in the form of the Finance Committee) the performance of investments and economic management of the Psychiatry Research Trust. These subgroups report to the full board of trustees. While there is no formal induction or training for Trustees, a copy of ‘the Good Trustees Guide’ is made available for their benefit. Connected Charities: The Psychiatry Research Trust is connected by Trust Deed with the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN) which is part of King’s College London, (a Charter Corporation), Strand London WC2R 2LS.

The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience shares common objectives with the Psychiatry Research Trust. The trust is based on Institute premises and all material transactions are conducted with the Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. Risk Management: The trustees have examined the major strategic and operational risks which the charity faces and confirm that systems have been established to reduce these risks to an acceptable level.